Blue Flower

Andreas Klamm Sabaot Music

Andreas Klamm Sabaot is a musician, music producer, journalist, author, song writer, keyboardist, artist and entertainer. He is also known as Andreas Klamm. Andreas Klamm Sabaot has produced and published five music albums with 12 up to 14 songs each and has produced and published 70 single music productions. The music productions are available on all known music stores such as Spotify, Deezer, Amazon, Google Play Music, Apple iTunes and many others.

More information about Andreas Klamm Sabaot you will find on

1. Andreas Klamm Sabaot Music,

2. Andreas Klamm-Sabaot on,

3. Andreas Klamm Sabaot Music And Arts on Facebook,


More information about the music and music productions of Andreas Klamm Sabaot will follow soon on British Newsflash Magazine.



Andreas Klamm Sabaot has produced and published five music albums with 12 up to 14 songs each and has produced and published more than 70 single music productions. The music from Andreas Klamm Sabaot is available on many known different music stores such as Deezer, Spotify, Apple iTunes, Google Play Music and many others: Photograph: oterapro